

USMLE Step 3 is distinct from the other USMLE steps, especially Step 2 CK. Many candidates wonder if high scores are beneficial for matching into residency or fellowship, or if a passing score alone is enough. These questions led me to research this topic extensively, and here’s what I’ve found.

USMLE Step 2 CK and Step 3: More Similar Than You Might Think

Surprisingly, the multiple-choice portion of Step 3 and Step 2 CK are almost identical. This means resources used for Step 2 CK—such as NBME’s Clinical Mastery Series and assessment forms—are highly valuable for Step 3 preparation. You can dive deeper into this in my second module, USMLE TACTICS, which is available for free.

So Why Do Scores Differ Between Step 2 CK and Step 3?

Despite their similarities, students often score differently on these exams, with Step 3 scores typically dropping by about 20 points. This average score drop can mean the difference between passing and failing, and it highlights a critical aspect of Step 3: test-taking skills.

Test-Taking Skills: The Key to Bridging the Gap

To counter the average 20-point drop, students need to hone their test-taking abilities. This skillset, rather than simply more content review, is crucial for success on Step 3. Various courses and tutoring services focus on test-taking strategies, and I offer guidance on these skills on my website, USMLE TACTICS.

A Common Pitfall: Self-Doubt and Repeated Failures

Many students, after failing Step 3, assume they need to redo question banks or repeat content resources. When their scores remain unchanged, they often feel disheartened. Some even find themselves unable to pass Step 3 after graduating residency, which can limit their professional options.


1. Leverage Step 2 CK Resources: Preparing with familiar resources can reinforce your knowledge base.

2. Prioritize Test-Taking Skills: Closing the score gap often relies more on strategy than additional study materials.

3. Believe in Your Knowledge: Avoid self-doubt—failure on Step 3 doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of understanding.

By approaching Step 3 strategically, students can overcome its unique challenges and succeed.